6 Ways I Stay Inspired as an Exhausted Mom

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The last 5 years of my life have been a roller coaster. I became a mother to three children, my paternal grandparents passed away, my mother survived stage 3 stomach cancer, and I’ve had a few health scares. These events made me realize that life is extremely fragile. They have also influenced me to contemplate my purpose. I’ve come to realize that I want to live an inspired life. I want to fully embrace my time on this earth. That being said, I’m drained, burnt out, and I spend many of my days on auto-pilot. There are several habits that I strive to implement that make me feel inspired.

6 Ways I Aim to Stay Inspired as an Exhausted Mom

Focus on my faith.

Embracing my faith has completely changed the way I view life. I find hope and purpose through my faith.

Become a lifelong learner.

Through my children ,I discovered that I love art, swimming, and science.I aim to continue learning whatever I can throughout my whole life.

Take care of my appearance everyday.

I no longer want to save my special clothes or makeup for special events that happen once a year. Life is the event. I want my loved ones to always see me at my best. This one has been a struggle for me because some days I barely even look in the mirror. I’ve been working on changing this even if it’s just a little lipstick, painting my nails, or fixing my hair.

Seek inspiration from books, Podcast, You Tube lectures,blogs, friends or family.

I’ve notice many positive changes when I consistently listen to motivational podcast or books etc. I love to listen to lectures or read books that inspire me to do better.

Keep a journal , notebook, and daily planner.

My daily planner and journal are essential in organizing my life. They increase my productivity. I also love having my notebook of ideas and thoughts.

Get out into nature as much as possible.

Nature makes me feel cheerful. I love the way that I feel after taking a walk or sitting outside observing the beauty around me. There is so much inspiration to take hold of when you observe flowers or the way a bird soars through the sky.

“Your life is in your responsibility, you are the one to create your life timeline. No one will ever come to build your future instead of you yourself”
― Anath Lee Wale

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