My Experience With Finding a Homeschooling Group
Finding a homeschooling group can seem pretty confusing to new homeschoolers. I was clueless when we first started. I remember googling “homeschooling co-op near me” and coming across outdated homeschooling websites. Luckily, I knew two other homeschooling families and they recommended local groups to me. I remember how happy I felt to find relatable families. We now have been a part of the group for four years!

Consistency and patience are important when you’re looking for a new group that works for your family. There may be challenges that come up from living in a rural area to not finding all-inclusive groups. In that case, creating a group is an option. I’ve recently become a Wild+Free leader and started a Legos and Games park meetup group. Sometimes you just have to get creative!
How Do I Find a Homeschooling Group?
Start by Asking Local Homeschooling Friends
If you have friends who homeschool, ask them about local groups. Chances are they will probably invite you to the group that they are a part of. Homeschooling parents are usually very eager to help new homeschoolers.

Start With Facebook
Facebook is probably THE BEST place to find out about local homeschooling groups. If you are a member of a local moms group then you can ask about local groups in your area. They may even recommend local Facebook groups that support homeschoolers. I’ve found numerous groups this way!

Check the Meet-Up App
Meetup is a social networking app that allows you to find local groups related to your interest. Meetup is very popular with homeschooling groups. I’ve discovered several homeschooling groups this way.

Search Through HSLDA (Homeschool Legal Defense Association)
HSLDA is a non-profit advocacy organization that makes homeschooling possible by protecting homeschooling families. They have a section on their website that list local homeschooling groups in your area.

Search Google
I haven’t always had the best luck with Google but many people do. It honestly depends on your area. It’s worth trying!

Search for a Local Wild + Free Group
Wild+ Free is an organization that is dedicated to homeschoolers and nature lovers. They host events and have published several books to support homeschooling families. Homeschooling families can become group local group leaders through a free application process. Wild+ Free groups exist everywhere. You probably have one in your area. You can find a local group by becoming a free member of their website and searching for the groups in your area.
….Or Start Your Own Wild+Free Group
Applying is an easy process! Once you are approved, just pick a park and plan what you want to do for your first meeting. Their website has many great resources for new members.

Search for Local Hashtags on Instagram
Instagram is full of homeschooling parents. I’ve discovered several local families through hashtags like “#nchomeschoolers” or “#raleighhomeschoolers”. I found one account that even held classes for homeschoolers! Give it a try! You never know what you’ll come across.

Search Within Your Religious Institution
Many people have connected with other homeschoolers through their church, mosque, or temple. Try reaching out to a youth leader and ask them if they know any homeschooling families. They may even be able to connect you to local groups.

Start Your Own Homeschooling Facebook Group
Starting a group on Facebook is an easy way to connect with local homeschoolers. Some ideas include starting a homeschooling group for your city, starting a park meetup group, or starting a Lego group. The possibilities are endless. Consider advertising it on your page or other groups, if they allow it.